We value your privacy and we work hard to keep your personal information secure. This privacy policy describes how we collect and use the personal information you provide us when you visit this website. We will not share this information with anyone, except in limited circumstances when required by law or needed to protect our legal rights.

Information we may collect from you

When you create an account, sign up for newsletters, register for an event or workshop, apply to join the recruitment register, or engage with us in any other way that requires your identification, contact information, and financial details/payment transaction verification, we use this information to contact you.

Marketing and communications preferences about the way you would like to hear from Tezsri foundation.

When participating in our training programs or other events, you consent to the use of your photos, recordings, and video for marketing purposes. Unless otherwise notified, we reserve the right to take and use any photos or recordings from our events on our website and in our marketing materials.

Technical and usage data about how you access this website, including your IP address, is collected through cookies on your computer. This enables us to recognize your computer as you view different pages on our website, making it easier for us to give you a better website experience. Cookies allow us to store preferences so that content and functions are specific to you.


  • Tezsri Foundation uses personally identifiable information you provide about yourself.
  • To process your donation.
  • To send you a receipt for your donation.
  • To send you a thank you note for your donation or volunteering.
  • To respond to your questions or comments about Tezsri foundation.
  • To send you additional information about Tezsri Foundation Projects.
  • To send you invitations for upcoming events that may interest you.